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they are still 面试自我介绍

[10-20 13:24:09]   来源:http://www.56qiuzhi.com  自我介绍模板   阅读:8596

概要:"Ferguson had so many good players, so many generations of great lineup, but they can't always be strong, Ryan Giggs, Scholes and Gary Neville, they are Manchester United players, although hard to believe they are also great, but certainly not as good as the peak period, aren't you? continues to produce like winning the bid for the King of portfolio is too difficult thing, at that time Manchester United have Beckham, Keane, Ryan Giggs, Scholes, Cole, xielinhanmu and OLE an
they are still 面试自我介绍,标签:简历自我介绍,自我介绍怎么写,http://www.56qiuzhi.com
"Ferguson had so many good players, so many generations of great lineup, but they can't always be strong, Ryan Giggs, Scholes and Gary Neville, they are Manchester United players, although hard to believe they are also great, but certainly not as good as the peak period, aren't you? continues to produce like winning the bid for the King of portfolio is too difficult thing, at that time Manchester United have Beckham, Keane, Ryan Giggs, Scholes, Cole, xielinhanmu and OLE and others. ” 应聘自我介绍

  "Now is the time for game against Manchester United? they are still good, but not as good as with C and Rooney have occurred. No C Luo and Rooney is a huge difference, and the Spurs are strong, we close the gap, also will continue to improve. ”

  "Manchester United has some problems, injuries, lost Rooney is one and the other on some issues, Wayne Rooney Hernandez status is good, but I think he also cannot be equated with Rooney. No matter what time, and Manchester United, I do not wish to see Rooney in appearance list. ”

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