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[10-20 13:26:37]   来源:http://www.56qiuzhi.com  面试技巧   阅读:8561

概要:到外企面试应注意的第一点式着装,还要要做好充分的准备,确定良好的面试第一印象关系到你能否得到这份工作。面试时的穿着,就是这打通第一环节的关键所在。或许着装帮助提高英文面试成功率, 因为企业面试看重的是第一印象 。 “Keeping your clothes well-pressed will keep you from looking hard-pressed.” “衣服穿得精神,你才显得从容。” Black suggests authority and seriousness. It is a dignified choice that announces your presence, but can be intimidating if overused. 黑色象征权威与肃穆。选择它作为自己的代表色,威严又不失品位,但是如果运用过度,则可能让人生畏。 Pastels are soothing colors, and promote friendliness while discouraging aggress
  到外企面试应注意的第一点式着装,还要要做好充分的准备,确定良好的面试第一印象关系到你能否得到这份工作。面试时的穿着,就是这打通第一环节的关键所在。或许着装帮助提高英文面试成功率, 因为企业面试看重的是第一印象 。
“Keeping your clothes well-pressed will keep you from looking hard-pressed.”


Black suggests authority and seriousness. It is a dignified choice that announces your presence, but can be intimidating if overused.


Pastels are soothing colors, and promote friendliness while discouraging aggression.

彩色是柔和的颜色,有助于增进友谊、减少攻击性。 银行面试自我介绍

White symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and sophistication. It works well as a shirt. Women can pull it off as a suit, but men; steer clear!


Grey offers you a dignified and conservative authority. If it’s too light, you could seem passive or weak.


Navy Blue clothing demands respect. It also conveys a feeling of loyalty, integrity, and dependability.


Brown symbolizes reliability, and tends to make people feel comfortable. However, it can suggest a lack of authority.



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