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the Sample of Chronological Resume英文简

[10-20 13:35:47]   来源:http://www.56qiuzhi.com  个人简历   阅读:8690

概要:keen interest developed by my formal education and experience in various aspects of mechanical technology, has given me a background that should be of immense &#118alue to a supervisor. I will be happy to supply any additional information concerning my background or present employment. My immediate supervisor here at Barron Enterprises is aware that I am looking for asupervisory position with a company in the Midwest and why I am doing so. I would like to have an interview with you and
the Sample of Chronological Resume英文简,标签:个人简历,http://www.56qiuzhi.com
keen interest developed by my formal education and experience in various aspects of mechanical technology, has given me a background that should be of immense &#118alue to a supervisor. I will be happy to supply any additional information concerning my background or present employment. My immediate supervisor here at Barron Enterprises is aware that I am looking for a supervisory position with a company in the Midwest and why I am doing so. I would like to have an interview with you and although distance is an important factor. I would be glad to fly out at your convenience if I had at least a week´s notice.


Thomas D. Davis
Enclosure: Resume

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