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[05-18 21:48:52]   来源:http://www.56qiuzhi.com  英文求职信范文   阅读:8904

概要:Dear Personnel Officers:I am Wumei, a junior in Sichuan Teacher University. I major in English and minor in Japanese. I am writing to inquire the position you offered in the advertisement. Here are my qualifications that prompt me to make application now.As an English major, I have obtained skillful English writing ability and rich experience in dealing with the work requires knowledge about English background.My interest in computer also has prompted me to forward my resume for your r
Dear Personnel Officers:
I am Wumei, a junior in Sichuan Teacher University. I major in English and minor in Japanese. I am writing to inquire the position you offered in the advertisement. Here are my qualifications that prompt me to make application now.
As an English major, I have obtained skillful English writing ability and rich experience in dealing with the work requires knowledge about English background.
My interest in computer also has prompted me to forward my resume for your review. At present, I am working for the web site of shop.renren.com and in charge of the BBS program.
I am confident that I will make a successful addition to your program.
I am available if you dial the number: 13011819794.
Yours sincerely,

标签:英文求职信范文英文求职信,英语求职信范文求职信 - 英文求职信范文
